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A search for 'Hamlet (2000)' gave the following results:

2085 matches in tracks
  1. Hamlet: The Duel & Death of Hamlet (02:38)
    from Music From Great Shakespeare Films
    Tracks 2 - 7 composed by Dmitri Shostakovich
  2. Hamlet: The Duel & Death of Hamlet (02:38)
    from Gamlet
    Tracks 2 - 7 composed by Dmitri Shostakovich
  3. Hamlet: The Duel & Death of Hamlet (02:38)
    from Julius Caesar
    Tracks 2 - 7 composed by Dmitri Shostakovich
  4. Hamlet: The Duel & Death of Hamlet (02:38)
    from Richard III
    Tracks 2 - 7 composed by Dmitri Shostakovich
  5. Hamlet: The Duel & Death of Hamlet (02:38)
    from Chronicle History Of King Henry The Fifth With His Battell At Agincourt In France, The
    Tracks 2 - 7 composed by Dmitri Shostakovich
  6. Duel and Death of Hamlet. Allegro - Largo (06:02)
    from Film Music Of Dmitri Shostakovich, Volume 3, The
    Tracks 1 to 7 from: Suite from 'Hamlet'
  7. Duel and Death of Hamlet. Allegro - Largo (06:02)
    from Gamlet
    Tracks 1 to 7 from: Suite from 'Hamlet'
  8. Duel and Death of Hamlet. Allegro - Largo (06:02)
    from Nezabyvayemyj God 1919
    Tracks 1 to 7 from: Suite from 'Hamlet'
  9. Duel and Death of Hamlet. Allegro - Largo (06:02)
    from Pyat Dnej - Pyat Nochej
    Tracks 1 to 7 from: Suite from 'Hamlet'
  10. Duel and Death of Hamlet. Allegro - Largo (06:02)
    from Molodaja Gvardija
    Tracks 1 to 7 from: Suite from 'Hamlet'
  11. Jack Hamlet (01:13)
    from Last Action Hero
    Includes Original Music By Sir William Walton From "Hamlet".
  12. The Duel and Death of Hamlet (00:00)
    from Music From Great Shakespeare Films
    Tracks 1 - 6 above from "Hamlet" by Dimitri Shostakovich
  13. The Duel and Death of Hamlet (00:00)
    from Gamlet
    Tracks 1 - 6 above from "Hamlet" by Dimitri Shostakovich
  14. The Duel and Death of Hamlet (00:00)
    from Richard III
    Tracks 1 - 6 above from "Hamlet" by Dimitri Shostakovich
  15. The Duel and Death of Hamlet (00:00)
    from Julius Caesar
    Tracks 1 - 6 above from "Hamlet" by Dimitri Shostakovich
  16. The Duel / The Death of Hamlet / Hamlet's Funeral (Suite, No. 8) (06:32)
    from Gamlet
  17. The duel & death of Hamlet (02:35)
    from Gamlet
    Hamlet (Dmitri Shostakovich)
  18. The duel & death of Hamlet (02:35)
    from Music From Great Shakespeare Films
    Hamlet (Dmitri Shostakovich)
  19. The duel & death of Hamlet (02:35)
    from Julius Caesar
    Hamlet (Dmitri Shostakovich)
  20. The duel & death of Hamlet (02:35)
    from Richard III
    Hamlet (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Show all 2085 matching tracks